

As Fresh as it Gets

Those who can fly a lot must also be allowed to enjoy! In this spirit, the entire VanDeBord team spent a whole day taking a joint cooking course. The subsequent dinner will probably go down in the annals of flight history! 

A very special Christmas celebration awaited the VanDeBord team in the form of kitchen aprons! Of course, not alone, because a professional chef was also present and showed us throughout an entire day what we can conjure up in the galley when we want to.

Aufmerksames Zuhören ist Ehrensache – damit auch alles perfekt wird.
Attentive listening is a matter of honor – so that everything becomes perfect.

The joy of cooking quickly set in, especially with all the delicious, fresh ingredients that were prepared in an exemplary manner and under expert supervision. 

Work-Life Balance Sometimes Goes Through the Stomach Eating should always have something to do with enjoyment, and that was also the focus of the team action. Unwind, have fun together, discover new things, and a successful enjoyment conclusion in the form of a royal dinner. And that worked like a butter-soft landing. 

At this point, we would like to thank everyone involved for the wonderful day and are already looking forward to the next team event!

Auch Präsentation will gelernt sein. Unser Kochmeister zeigt wie es geht.
Presentation also needs to be learned. Our master chef shows how it’s done.
Teambuilding auf engstem Raum – beim Kochen kommt man sich bekanntlich am schnellsten näher
Teambuilding in the tightest of spaces – cooking is notoriously the fastest way to get closer
Endlich gewusst – frischen Fisch richtig zubereiten
Finally known – how to properly prepare fresh fish
Die Ergebnisse können sich sehen lassen – Yummi!
The results speak for themselves – Yummy!
Dessertgenuss pur: Wer hier nicht schwach wird...
Pure dessert pleasure: Who can resist here…